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Anabolic steroids and teens: Why anabolic steroids should not be used by teens

Saturday, July 23, 2011

In the past decade alone anabolic steroid use has soared. Bodybuilders, baseball players, basketball players and football players, weightlifters and athletes have been using them since the 1950's, but it is only in the last decade that they have become popular among the general public.

The use among teenagers from 8 to 12 grade is rising at a faster than average rate. Since many holywood stars eveidently use anabolic steroids along with major football, baseball and basketball stars, not to mention Hollywood actors, rap and hip hop musicians. Many role models are on steroids.
Even porn stars use steroids, fitness and muscle magazines bombard the teenagers with buffed and cut individuals and many of them are also photoshoped or otherwise enhanced to unreal levels especially if they are not buffed or cut enough in real life.

Anabolic steroids, if used in responsible manner under doctors supervision don't pose a major threat to onse health or livelyhood, however they do have side effects and some of them only concern the teenagers.

Stunned growth being the most important, steroids alone don't stun growth but the elevated estrogen levels that may come with anabolics use do. Some anabolic steroids close the growth plates prematurelly causing the minor using them to not grow to his predetermined height, thus remaining shorter.

Temporary sterility, anabolic steroids especially those that are high in androgens ( testosterone, anadrol, dianabol ) impare sperm production in males for the duration of use.
Androgens also cause acne for the duration of use, back and facial area are of particular concern for those that already have acne.

Using male hormones is particularlly unsuitable for females, as it may lead to development of male characteristics such as a deeper voice or facial and body hair.
Some anabolic steroids increase muscle mass and strength so fast that the connective tissue can not keep up and can lead to injury.

When questionaires were handed out to teenagers teenagers wrote reasons why they use anabolic steorids:

  • Everyone is using anabolic steroids so not using them will make me fall behind.
  • Making the sports team is very important.
  • Peer pressure.
  • Not getting the girl you want.
  • Not doing everything in your power to be the best.
  • Not being as good looking as you could be.

More and more teen role models are talking about their steroid use, so many think using steroids is mandatory if you want to be a top athlete.

Teenagers at their early stage of development also feel immortal and don't belive the warnings the experts are issuing thinking they are only tyring to hold them back. Interestingly enough teens also cite their parents and sports coaches as the motivation for steroid use. Not telling them to take them directly, but with emphasizing the importance of sports success and being generally over demanding when it comes to sports achievements. Glorifying succesfull athletes that evidently use anabolic steroids is another way of pushing them towards steroid use along with demanding top achievements no matter the cost.

Adults do have a ceirtain impact on teenagers, but in this case the impact of other teenagers is even more important. Teen team of football players may have 40 members, two linebackers opt for steroids and wham, they gain 30 pounds over the summer vacation period, when they come back they are much stronger and phisically impressive than others, the leap they made in such a short time motivates other to start using anabolics too. Teenagers are also more crowd oriented, if a couple starts using steroids, others will too.

Then top athletes are usually „high risk" individuals, in order to make it big one must take chances, so athletes are also psychologicaly more prone to steroid use.

There are safer alternatives out there: creatine, DHEA, ephedra and some others, but none of them works as good as for example primobolan and winstrol and many have side effects of their own that are similar to those of AS.

In order to stop rampant anabolic steroid use and use them in a safe and responsible maner, the complete society should be changed to a one less competitive, apart from that there should be more educcation in regards to side effects and bad sides of steroid use.


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