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Contraception and Condoms – Protect Birth Control

Friday, July 15, 2011

Condoms are the one of the most popular birth control devices which controls the pregnancy. Condoms are made for both men and women mean at the time of sex of can take precaution. Condoms collect the sperm of man before, during and after he ejaculates.

 These protect when the sperm enters into the woman's vagina. This barrier device reduces the probability of pregnancy and spreading sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as HIV, gonorrhea, and syphilis. It use when man's penis get erect and this blocks ejaculated semen on doing sex. Because these are waterproof, elastic, and durable. Contraception and Condoms both are related to each other as condoms prevent the contraception as Birth Control.

Now days, condoms are made of either latex or silicon, lubricated or dry. Female Condoms are mostly made of nitrile. For the birth control, you can be safe by taking the help of Contraception and Condoms. Male condoms are most effective and that is advantage of being inexpensive, easy to use, having few side effects. And also man's condoms give the protection against the sexually transmitted diseases. As we take the various plan of birth control's methods as they are not 100% perfect as using a condom and using another type of contraception to prevent pregnancy. To be more precautious, people should the ovulation calendar which help to reduce risk factor.
In the market, many types of condoms are available in many different colours. In a men's view they maintain an erection longer by wearing a condom. The protection from pregnancy also depends on the enjoyment for both parties which can give the fear. You must be pre planned while using the condoms. Some of the drug store provides condoms at free of cost under the family planning centers. Some of them follow the ovulation calendar as a safe natural alternative for birth control. Contraception and Condoms also have expiry date, so you should be careful about that. Condoms also have different sizes, thickness, width and length, so a man must try each to be fitted in one perfectly.

Man should be careful when removing the condom after ejaculating, that none of his semen comes in contact with the vagina. The agent of condoms with spermicide destroys the sperm which gives an added protection against pregnancy. To know about more of these, just go through the where you will find plenty of contents of this. So, click on this association to know about you and body.



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