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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Cystitis? Sound familiar?Many women know the unpleasant phenomenon but what we really know about cystitis? What causes inflammation? What treatment? Why cystitis is more common in women than men? How complementary medicine and helps fight urinary tract infection.
Nir Hukima massage and holistic therapist a comprehensive multi-disciplinary article about cystitis.

Cystitis is usually caused by spread of bacteria although sometimes it is also caused by irritants such as residual urine crystals.

Urinary tract infection is much more common in women than men because infection often spreads upward from the pouring

(A tube that pumped urine from the bladder to outside the body)

Length of 4 cm in women and four times or five men giving the bladder a better protection

Use of essential oils with the first sign stimulus pouring often prevent the development of inflammation.
The most effective oils to treat painful and depressing situation they Hbergmot, eucalyptus, garlic chamomile, tea tree.

Bergamot - has a strong effect on urinary tract diseases and the genitalia and is one of the most effective oils.

People with recurrent urinary tract infections are tense, anxious, or depressed. Use bergamot oil breaks the chain reaction of stress, depression, and another back of urinary tract infection disease, by the relaxation of tension and a sense of depression and simultaneously by addressing the physical causes.

Bergamot - Oil is an effective treatment in states of mind. Hbergmot oil is a stimulant but it certainly elevates mood.

Chamomile - chamomile oil is antiseptic oil, especially urinary tract infection.

Any type of UTI Drink chamomile tea.

Lower abdominal massage with chamomile oil helps tightness and pain that accompany the patient / Z.

Chamomile are known in folk medicine and pharmacology.

Chamomile tea is such a common folk medicine against stomach pains, urinary tract infection, you can drink it as a complement to the treatment of essential oil.

Tea Tree - Tea Tree helps to get rid of war, bacteria and infectious diseases, urinary tract and kills the fungus spores.

Tea Tree Oil keeps the body when the body is exposed to the three organisms:

Fungal spores



Using tea tree increases the immune system capacity that keeps our bodies develop recurrent urinary tract diseases.

All oils listed lavender, bergamot and tea tree oil excellent regular cult type external and bath treatment

(Never applied essential oils directly on the genitals)

You can add chamomile regular cult type outdoor relief and relaxation.

Drink some chamomile tea and who more lemon for their sin the urinary system.

Oil bergamot oil and tea time fight bacteria and infection has accumulated a bath three times a week to the relief and benefit to the patient's condition.

Lower abdominal massage with lavender or bergamot oil, chamomile and if the pains have chamomile compresses

Massage with the oils I mentioned will help fight inflammation and ease the depression that accompanies it.

If there are traces of blood or pus in the blood or high heat has to go immediately to the doctor for cystitis can lead to severe inflammation in the kidneys.

This is one of the cases requiring treatment Bantbiotika and it is also important to do a urine test to detect the type of bacteria for different types of bacteria respond to different drugs Anbiotiot give it only a qualified doctor.

Bacteria usually responsible for bladder infection is the gut but depressed by friendly bacteria and this may lead to a vicious circle of inflammation Antbiotika infection that many women are afraid of it.

Regular use of essential oils especially baths can break the cycle and prevent recurrence.

Avoid wearing tight underwear made from synthetic pantyhose and tight pants.

India used for centuries (Ayurveda Traditional) sandalwood oil against urinary tract infections

(Cystitis, gonorrhea, urinary tract infection).

This oil can be a worthy alternative to tea tree oil Hbergmot, if needed repeat treatments.

* This article is not a substitute for medical advice

* This article is owner of dealing directly and independently before using essential oils, obtain advice and diagnosis Arromatrafist senior.


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