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Drug Testing that leaves you with no Doubt

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Today in the US, government officials and private companies agree to drug trafficking being the most serious threats of organized crime. Studies and research have revealed that drug users are far less productive at their work place and have a higher number of absenteeism.

Such people are more prone to stealing at work due to their expensive habits. Even accidental situations are very common with drug users and so are the instances of security breach.

There was a time when marijuana was the most common drugs amongst addicts who preferred to go stoned to work but as times have changed, so have the preference of drugs. Cocaine is the drug that has now replaced marijuana as the substance is easy to consume and rises less suspicion as it is odorless!
CLAI Waived Drug Tests have been innovated to tackle serious drug abuse problems at work as well as at homes. Earlier these drug testing services were expensive and wasn't easily available but now it is as simplified that a layman could test himself too.

So if there is any suspicion of drug abuse about an employee, tests such as synthetic marijuana drug test or a cocaine drug test can yield immediate results. Organizations now have periodic checks for the confirmation of illegal drugs as these newly developed drug testing provides accurate results with no scope for doubt. For other health related tests and urinalysis there are drug testing devices such as drug test cups and pregnancy drug tests.

Drugs have their victims in all stratums of a society from celebrities to the working class. Some get involved due to peer pressure or just the idea of experimentation while there are others who under the pressure of work give into drug abuse.

Everybody has a reason to indulge, while they forget that once you are an addict, getting out of it becomes equally difficult. They are many who resort to rehabilitation centre to kick off their habit but such a prosperous move can only be achieved if the person in concern is willing to kick the habit at any cost.

The youth too has been influenced by this hazardous abuse and through CLAI Waived Drug Tests; it makes it easier for concerned parents to keep a check on their kids and help them get rid of such habits at an early stage. Drug testing through various drug testing services has come as bliss in this day and age of drug abuse.


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