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Preventing Cancer with Diet, Exercise and Weight

Thursday, July 21, 2011

If you are worried about cancer, then you are likely not alone. It seems to always be in the news especially with all of this technology around us that seems to increase our chances of cancer or news about how processed foods are so bad for us. It has been found that a good amount of cancer deaths are related to diet and that by changing your diet can reduce your chances of cancer. Now add in exercise and ensuring a healthy weight you can reduce your chances of cancer even further.

Following a Plant Based Diet

If you want to improve your diet you will want to concentrate on eating more vegetables and fruits. It is proven by scientific evidence that a diet based on plants protects the body against many forms of cancer. The best type of diet to prevent cancer is one that is based mostly on a variety of plant foods. The American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends 5 to 10 fruits and vegetables a day.

So why are plant based diets good for you. The reason is that vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes (dried beans and peas) help prevent cancer by something called phytochemicals in addition to many other cancer fighting properties that are found in these plant based foods. Some research has found that these phytochemicals can help to block the development of cancer cell growth. Research has also shown that plant based diets can aid in the prevention of many types of cancer including but not limited to cancers of the colon, rectum, stomach, lung, mouth, pharynx, esophagus, breast, bladder, pancreas and larynx.
There is another great substance found in tomatoes that can help prevent cancer and that substance is known as lycopene. Lycopene can help to reduce the risk of prostate and lung cancer. Another very beneficial ingredient of plants that can protect you from cancer is lutein. Lutein can protect you from skin, bladder, cervix and lung cancer. Lutein can be found in spinach, avocado and other yellow or leafy green vegetables. In addition to protecting you from cancer, lutein can help you avoid problems like cataracts and macular degeneration in your eyes. Even better is the fact that when lutein is combined with lycopene you are rewarded with additional protection from prostate cancer.

Another benefit of a plant based diet is that it contains a lot of fiber and fiber is useful in helping you remove waste from your body more efficiently. When you remove waste more efficiently from the body, this will protect you from colon and rectal cancer. Eating more meat versus plants will slow this waste elimination process and will increase your risk of colorectal cancer.

Get Plenty of Exercise and Maintain a Healthy Weight

The good thing about a plant based diet is that it is lower in calories and will likely lead you to maintaining weight that is healthy. Being overweight has been linked to breast, colon, gall bladder and uterine cancers. You should try to maintain your weight close to what is recommended by the medical profession and not be either to heavy or too light.

Another way to ensure that you maintain a healthy weight is to eat low fat alternatives to favorite foods and cutting back on portion sizes. You should also try to avoid red meat and stick more to poultry and seafood. If you do have red meat, then you should look for leaner cuts which are not as fatty and high in calories. You can also switch to low fat or fat versions of things like cottage cheese, cheese, mayonnaise and many other foods. It will take some getting used to but once you eat these foods for a while, you will no longer crave their fattier versions. You will also want to stay away from foods containing nitrates like lunch meat or hot dogs. Instead of ice cream for dessert have some fruit. You should also learn to avoid salt and learn to season your foods with other herbs and spices that are better for you.

You can also maintain a healthy weight by getting plenty of exercise. Exercise will also make your body and immune system stronger and this will help protect you from cancer. Your goal should be to try and get at least 1 hour per day of rigorous exercise. This can be accomplished by taking a brisk 30 minute walk in the morning and then another 30 minute walk in the evening. These walks will also help to relax you and reduce your stress level.

If cancer runs in your family, you should consider following some of this advice because it will not only reduce your risks of cancer but will help you be healthier and have more energy. By following the advice in this article, you can potentially reduce your risk of cancer of up to 40 percent.


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