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Are You Suffering From These Yeast Infection Symptoms?

Friday, July 15, 2011

A yeast infection is an ailment which is caused by the overgrowth of certain microorganisms in the body, particularly in the genital region. This type of infection can be incredibly uncomfortable but the upside is that it is very easy to treat, especially when caught early. The first step to curing this condition is determining common yeast infection symptoms and checking whether they are consistent with the current manifestations.

Top Yeast Infection Symptoms
Extreme Itching: If you notice that your genital area is extremely itchy and uncomfortable, this might be a sign that you have a yeast infection. For the most part, the itching is also accompanied by the appearance of unusually red patches on the outer part of the vagina. The itchiness is likely to persist for many days or weeks if left untreated so immediate action is always the best recourse.

Uncomfortable or Painful Urination: This usually follows after the itching starts, and is also an indication that the infection has spread significantly. In addition, the pain can be attributed to chafed skin as a result of constant scratching. Among all yeast infection symptoms, this one is usually mistaken for UTI, or urinary tract infection. In order to be certain, make sure you check for other symptoms consistent with a yeast infection.

Unusual Vaginal Discharge: The infection causes the vagina to discharge a white and thick liquid that is very similar to cottage cheese. This discharge is usually odorless but in some cases, it can smell like day-old bread. Should you see such symptoms appearing, it is best that you refrain from any sexual contact to prevent the spread of infection.

Painful Intercourse: Since the genitals are already aggravated due to the soreness and itchiness, intercourse is likely to be unpleasant if not extremely painful. This is why such activity is ill advised until such time when the infection is taken care of.

Treatment Options
After having ascertained that you have any or all symptoms, the next step is to seek treatment. Seeing a doctor would be best as opposed to self medicating in order to get the best results in the shortest possible time. Most physicians would recommend vaginal creams or vaginal suppositories that target the yeast and halts its growth to prevent the infection from spreading and/or recurring.
Another course of treatment for yeast infection is the intake of oral pills which kill off the fungi and provide relief for the unpleasant symptoms. Oral medication usually works faster although hygiene also affects the rate of recovery.


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