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Preventing and Reversing Cancer Naturally with Diet and Lifestyle

Thursday, July 21, 2011

While all cancers are easy to prevent they are not easy to reverse because it means making changes, especially with the diet. Most people find it difficult to make these important changes because of bad habits they've adopted. All cancers can be reversed but only by natural means; that is removing the reasons that caused the growths to appear in the first place.

To prevent someone from dying of cancer the best strategy is not to get it in the first place and the only way to do that is to practice prevention. By making a few simple changes someone can live without fear of being diagnosed with the problem. Nearly everyone is ignorant about its causes and we are kept ignorant by the powerful cancer industry because treating it today is extremely profitable. Profit plays a big part in anything to do with it such as screening programs.

Cancer is a modern day problem because of the way we now live compared to 40 to 50 years ago. Very few of us grow our own food now, instead we buy it from a supermarket and most of this food is highly processed and nutritionally depleted. We no longer get exercise thanks to the car and the television set and exercise is very important in maintaining our health. Then there are chemicals we now unwittingly use and there are said to be over 70 thousand in circulation today. Many of them are found in the homes we live in and the products we use on our skin. All of the above are contributing factors to cancer.

To prevent cancer from first developing, it is important to eat fresh food every single day as freshly grown food keeps us healthy and free of the disease. Also important is a little exercise as it keeps our immune system working efficiently. Preventing it is also about reading labels to be aware of products that contain chemicals that are causing us harm.

Reversing cancer for someone who's not been given a very bright future will have to be a full time commitment. This means dealing with the causes and removing them and you do that by changing from a typical western diet of refined and processed food to a strict diet of our natural food. A little exercise is important and be aware of the many chemicals we use everyday. There is no other way.

Cancer is only one disease no matter where it appears in the body and it's only our orthodox medical system that itemizes it, as to where it appears such as the bowel or breast. It is a disease of an immune system that's been overwhelmed by toxins, caused by poor diets and carcinogenic substances that has weakened the body's immune system.

A cancer growth is actually a sign from the body that something is wrong with the whole body and the growths themselves are only symptoms. Our current way of treating it by just removing these growths, of course are only dealing with the symptoms. That's why it often returns. The long term solution is to change the factors that led to the cancer in the first place by removing the initial causes.

Don't put up with ineffective toxic treatments; learn about better ways to remove cancer permanently. We must never forget that our main weapon to regain our health is our own bodies defence system, which is the immune system. Strengthen it and the cancer will disappear and never return


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